IMPORTANT NOTICE: This website will close on or shortly after Tuesday 18 February. After that date, all content will appear on our pages in the website, “A Church Near You”, with the address,, to which all enquiries will be redirected.
– Every Wednesday between 10am and 2pm our church hall is open as our community Welcome Space! Join us if you would like company, some hot soup, to play board games or to improve basic IT skills. Or just come and chat – you’d be made very welcome!
– Join us for our 9:45am SUNDAY EUCHARIST, and on the THIRD SUNDAY of the month for “THIRD SUNDAY HOLY COMMUNION” – a family-friendly fresh expression of Sunday Eucharist.
– Join us for CHILDREN’S PRAISE on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month with coffee at 11:00am and a fun celebration at 11:30am, with the CHILDREN’S PRAISE BAND.
– And join us for our midweek Holy Communion service every Wednesday at 9:30am.
We look forward to seeing you!
Watch the most recent episodes of our companion video podcasts, WEDNESDAY REFLECTION and THE SUNDAY SERMON. Audio versions of both series are also available – follow this link, or search your podcast app for “HitchinHoly”!
For earlier podcast episodes, go to our YouTube page.
HOLY SAVIOUR CHURCH Mission Action Plan 2024
The Holy Saviour Mission Action Plan 2024 update, approved at the PCC on
Tuesday 9th April, 2024, seeks key actions within our local context which help to
promote the vision of our diocese in “Living God’s Love” by going deeper into God,
transforming communities and making new disciples. If you believe you can help in
any of the mission areas outlined, please speak to Father Ian or one of the PCC
members (their photos are displayed in the south porch).
1. Ministry to Children and Young Parents
Continue to build our ministry to children and young families by growing our monthly
Children’s Praise service and our all-age 3rd Sunday Holy Communion. Encourage
greater participation of children and parents in worship and the life of our church.
Utilise our existing links with St Andrew’s school to strengthen our Children’s
Ministry. (Timescale: two to three years)
2. Outreach to the Vulnerable
Strengthen our commitment to the vulnerable in our church and local community
through both our Wednesday Welcome Space initiative and a refocussed Pastoral
Care Committee. Start new outreach activities including a Telephone Club.
(Timescale: six months to one year)
3. Open Church
Identify daily activities within the church building which promote ministry and mission
and its flourishing. Commit also to creating our church building as a well-lit flexible
community space which could accommodate concerts, exhibitions and other local
events. (Timescale: three years)
4. Informing and Encouraging Newcomers to Serve and Lead
Better inform new church members of the ministry and mission of our church and
associated roles. Encourage new individuals to take an increasing part in the
leadership in our church. (Timescale: two years)
5. The Nurturing of Faith
Nurture the faith of all adults wishing to learn more about the Christian faith through
an adult teaching resource. (Timescale: six months)
6. Music at Holy Saviour
Develop further our strong and diverse musical tradition and encourage the musical
gifts of adults and children with the appointment of a new organist and choirmaster.
(Timescale: up to one year)
We at Holy Saviour Church, Hitchin, are looking for an organist to play our beautiful 15-stop tracker-action organ at our Sunday services. The organ was designed and built in 1987 by John Bailey of Grant, Degens & Bradbeer, Northampton, using as much of the existing materials and pipework of the original 1865 Walker organ as possible, and was opened by Peter Hurford. It has since been regularly maintained by Bishop & Son of Ipswich, and was completely cleaned and overhauled in 2017.
Holy Saviour Anglican Church has a strong musical tradition. We have an enthusiastic RSCM-affiliated SATB choir with an excellent reputation, having performed nationally and abroad. The ideal candidate would be able to work with the choir to enhance the musical life of the church further.
Could you help us and share our vision of music in the future? If so, do contact Brian Caswell via the Contact Form and he will be happy to give you further information.
We look forward to hearing from you!
There are now four parishes in Hitchin – one parish for each of the existing Anglican churches. Our parish is the Parish of Holy Saviour, Hitchin (Registered Charity Number 1205456).

Welcome to the website of Holy Saviour Church. We hope you will find it interesting and helpful.
Holy Saviour Church is a beautiful church with a special atmosphere and is cherished by the people who care for it and worship here. We are a friendly, welcoming congregation.
Our worship is ‘modern catholic’ in its ethos, with a variety of services, and a tradition of excellent music. We have a sound/loop system, and wheelchairs are available. We arrange many special services during the year, and are the home of the Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival.
You can find us on Radcliffe Road in Hitchin, an attractive market town in North Hertfordshire, in the Diocese of St Albans. Each of the four parish churches in Hitchin serves a district of the town: Holy Saviour, St Faith’s, St Mark’s, and St Mary’s. We are also an active member of Churches Together in Hitchin.
Our Parish Mission statement:
We aim to share God’s love, forgiveness and care with the whole community through proclamation, service, action, partnership, nurture and spirituality
Please use our contact page if you have any further questions or would like to get in touch with us, and we look forward to seeing you.
Ian Todd
Team Vicar
Privacy Notice
Holy Saviour Church seeks to comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which gives you more control over how your data is used. You can read our Privacy Notice here.
Safeguarding Policy
Holy Saviour Church is part of the Diocese of St Albans in the Church of England, whose Archbishops, Bishops, clergy and leaders are absolutely committed to safeguarding as an integral part of the life and ministry of the Church. You can find further information here.