[Note that depending on your browser you can switch on text of the spoken words either by tapping the “CC” button on the video screen, or via the “Settings” menu, which may appear as a symbol ⌨︎ ⚙︎ or ⋮]
Sunday 31 December 2023
[There will be no online service for the First Sunday of Christmas]
Wednesday 27 December 2023
[Father Ian tells us about the massacre of the Holy Innocents by King Herod, and reflects on lessons for us all for today. We end with the hymn, “For The Beauty Of The Earth”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Christmas Day, 2023
[Today you can watch the online service for Christmas Day, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Christmas Day service here]
Sunday 24 December 2023
[There will be no online service for the Fourth Sunday of Advent]
Wednesday 20 December 2023
[Today Mike brings us a thoughtful Christmas message. We end with the carol, “Angels From The Realms Of Glory”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 17 December 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Third Sunday of Advent, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 13 December 2023
[Jean reflects on the Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival, and also on the events leading up to the birth of Jesus. We end with the hymn, “Hail To The Lord’s Anointed”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 10 December 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Second Sunday of Advent, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 6 December 2023
[Christmas is a time for families, and today Martin reflects on the Holy Family. We end with the hymn, “For Mary, Mother Of Our Lord”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 3 December 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for Advent Sunday, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 29 November 2023
[Father Ian reflects on Advent, which begins on Sunday, and the coming of the light of Christ. We end with the hymn, “Hark, A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Wednesday 22 November 2023
[Mike reflects on how the poem “The Hound Of Heaven” by Francis Thompson helps our understanding of God. We end with the hymn, “Christ Is The One Who Calls”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 19 November 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Second Sunday before Advent, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 15 November 2023
[Jean tells us about St Margaret, Queen of Scotland, founder of churches and monasteries. We end with the hymn, “In Heavenly Love Abiding”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 12 November 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for Remembrance Sunday, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 8 November 2023
[Martin reflects on remembrance and hope, and talks about the significance of Advent. We end with the hymn, “All My Hope On God Is Founded”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 5 November 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for All Saints, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 1 November 2023
[Today Father Ian talks about All Souls Day, which is marked tomorrow (2nd November). We end with the hymn, “Lord Of All Hopefulness”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 29 October 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for Bible Sunday, conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 25 October 2023
[Mike describes a recent children’s activity at Holy Saviour Church, and what we can all learn from it. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Wednesday 18 October 2023
[Today, Jean reflects on the life of St Luke the Evangelist. We end with the hymn, “Come Down O Love Divine”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Wednesday 11 October 2023
[Today Father Ian reflects on the mystery of God. We end with the hymn, “And Can It Be?”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 8 October 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 4 October 2023
[Mike reflects on the life of St Francis, whose feast day we celebrate today. We end with the hymn, “And Can It Be?”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 1 October 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 27 September 2023
[Jean tells us about the Victorian priest and reformer, John Coleridge Patteson. We end with the hymn, “For The Healing Of The Nations”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Wednesday 20 September 2023
[Martin reflects on troubled times and shares a message of hope. We end with the hymn, “In A World Where People Walk In Darkness”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Wednesday 13 September 2023
[Today Father Ian reflects on the words from Psalm 95, “Harden not your heart”. We end with the hymn, “Dear Lord And Father Of Mankind”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 10 September 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 6 September 2023
[Today Mike reflects on the peace of God. We end with the hymn, “Jesu Lover Of My Soul”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 3 September 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 30 August 2023
[Today Jean tells us about St Bartholomew and the church and hospital in London dedicated to him. We end with the hymn, “In Christ There Is No East Or West”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 27 August 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Jean, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 23 August 2023
[Today, Martin reflects on God’s wonderful gifts. We end with the hymn, “For The Beauty Of The Earth”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 20 August 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 16 August 2023
[Today Father Ian reflects on humility and self-esteem. We end with the hymn, “Tell Out My Soul”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 13 August 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Tenth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 9 August 2023
[Today Mike reflects on the decline in church attendances. We end with the hymn, “Through All The Changing Scenes Of Life”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 6 August 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Feast of the Transfiguration, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 2 August 2023
[Jean reflects on a recent visit to Peel Cathedral, Isle of Man. We end with the hymn, “All My Hope On God Is Founded”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 30 July 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 26 July 2023
[Martin reflects on the words of the song, “To Be Free”, by Glyn Lehmann (https://songlibrary.net/To-Be-Free/). We end with the hymn, “When I Needed A Neighbour”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 23 July 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 19 July 2023
[Father Ian reflects reflects on the miracle of Nature, the climate emergency and the part we play in Creation. We end with the hymn, “All Creatures Of Our God And King”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 16 July 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Sixth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 12 July 2023
[Mike reflects on how we sell ourselves to the world. We end with the hymn, “Put Peace Into Each Other’s Hands” Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 9 July 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Martin, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 5 July 2023
[Jean reflects on the lives of the martyrs, Thomas More and John Fisher. We end with the hymn, “Ye Watchers And Ye Holy Ones”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 25 June 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 28 June 2023
[Today, Brian tells us a strange story from the Bible and draws a conclusion about perceptions of God’s nature. We end with the anthem, “Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 25 June 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Third Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Jean, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 21 June 2023
[Father Ian considers Holy Communion, and reflects on its symbolic representation of physical and spiritual food. We end with the hymn, “Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 18 June 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Second Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 14 June 2023
[Today, Mike talks about the contemporary hymnist, Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith. We end with the hymn, “Holy Spirit, Living Breath Of God”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 11 June 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the First Sunday after Trinity, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 7 June 2023
[Today, Jean reflects on the seasons of the Church’s year. We end with the hymn, “Go Forth And Tell”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 4 June 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for Trinity Sunday, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 31 May 2023
[Today, Martin reflects on the visitation of the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth. We end with the hymn, “Tell Out My Soul”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 28 May 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for Pentecost, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 24 May 2023
[Father Ian reflects on Pentecost, the celebration of the day the spirit of God descended upon the early disciples. We end with the hymn, “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 21 May 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Seventh Sunday after Easter, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 17 May 2023
[Inspired by a visit to an exhibition at Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Mike reflects on island communities. We end with a prayer and the hymn, “O Thou Who Camest From Above”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 14 May 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service for the Sixth Sunday after Easter, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 10 May 2023
[Jean reflects on the coronation of King Charles III. We end with a prayer and the hymn, “I Vow To Thee My Country”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 7 May 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of a service to celebrate the Coronation, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 3 May 2023
[Today, Martin talks about the book, “The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, And The Horse” by author and illustrator, Charlie Mackesy. We end with the hymn, “All My Hope On God Is Founded”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 30 April 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Fourth Sunday in Easter, conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 26 April 2023
[Father Ian reflects on the journey to Emmaus. We end with the hymn “Be Thou My Vision”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 23 April 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Third Sunday in Easter, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 19 April 2023
[Mike brings us today’s Reflection from Cyprus, and describes its significance in the life of the early church. We end with the hymn, “Ye Watchers And Ye Holy Ones”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 16 April 2023
[There is no online service for this Sunday, the Second Sunday in Easter (Low Sunday). The online service will return as usual next week]
Wednesday 12 April 2023
[Next Sunday is variously known as “Low Sunday” or “Quasimodo Sunday”. Jean explains why. We end with the hymn, “Thine Be The Glory”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 9 April 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for Easter Day, conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 5 April 2023
[Martin describes the events of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday to Easter Day. We end with the hymn, “When I Survey The Wondrous Cross”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 2 April 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for Palm Sunday conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 29 March 2023
[As we look towards Holy Week, Father Ian tells the story of the trial of God. We end with the hymn, “And Can It Be?”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 26 March 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (Passion Sunday) conducted by Martin, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 22 March 2023
[Today, Mike reflects on the Annunciation, when Mary learns that she is to become the mother of Jesus. We end with the hymn, “Tell Out My Soul”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 19 March 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Fourth Sunday of Lent (Mothering Sunday) conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 15 March 2023
[Celebrating Mothering Sunday, Jean reflects on mothers we read about in the Bible. We end with the hymn, “For Mary, Mother Of Our Lord”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 12 March 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Third Sunday of Lent conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 8 March 2023
[Inspired by an episode of “Call The Midwife”, Martin reflects on the importance of love. We end with the anthem, “God So Loved The World”, set by John Stainer. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 5 March 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Second Sunday of Lent conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 1 March 2023
[Today, Father Ian talks about Lent, and reflects on the real purpose of penance. We end with the hymn, “Jesu, Lover Of My Soul”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 26 February 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the First Sunday of Lent conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 22 February 2023
[Mike marks Ash Wednesday by considering how we can use Lent to make a difference. We end with the hymn, “Brother, Sister, Let Me Serve You”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 19 February 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning Service for the Sunday Next before Lent conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 15 February 2023
[Today, Jean describes the consecration of the new Bishop of Hertford. We end with the hymn, “O Jesus, I Have Promised”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 12 February 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Second Sunday before Lent conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 8 February 2023
[Today Martin reflects on the Creation of the World. We end with the hymn,”O Lord My God, When I In Awesome Wonder”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 5 February 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Third Sunday before Lent conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 1 February 2023
[Today, Father Ian reflects on baptism and Christ’s command to shine as a light in the world. We end with the hymn, “In Our Darkness Light Has Shone”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 29 January 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Feast of Candlemas (Presentation of Christ in the Temple) conducted by Jean, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 25 January 2023
[Mike celebrates the birth of his grandson, and the wonder of creation. We end with the hymn, “O Thou Who Camest From Above”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 22 January 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Third Sunday of Epiphany conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 18 January 2023
[Today Jean celebrates the life of Amy Carmichael, the Christian missionary who founded the Dohnavur Fellowship in India. We end with the hymn, “In Christ There Is No East Or West”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 15 January 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Second Sunday of Epiphany conducted by Mike, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 11 January 2023
[Today, Martin tells us of his hope for the New Year. We end with the hymn, “Lord For The Years”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 8 January 2023
[Today you can watch a video compilation of our Morning service for the Feast of Epiphany conducted by Father Ian, with recorded music. Find our Sunday morning service here]
Wednesday 4 January 2023
[Father Ian reflects on the significance of the Epiphany, that Jesus’ message is to all people. We end with the hymn, “As With Gladness Men Of Old”. Find our Wednesday Reflection here]
Sunday 1 January 2023
[There is no Morning service from Holy Saviour for today]