Author Archives: Ed

Children’s Easter Activity Afternoon!

We are delighted to announce that we are holding a Children’s Easter Activity Afternoon on Saturday 30th March, 3 – 4.30pm in the church hall, arranged by the recently re-formed Social Committee. Admission: £5 per child.

We are planning an egg hunt, various Easter-themed craft activities, an Easter story session with Mike, a Humpty Dumpty session, and home made refreshments for both children and parents/grandparents (please can we ask that you stay with your children!).

We really hope you can join us for this first ‘event’ in the calendar. Please sign up to the list at the back of church, or email us at

Hitchin Band – in concert at Holy Saviour Church

Enjoy a fun afternoon of brass band music!

The Friends of Holy Saviour are delighted to welcome the Hitchin Band back to Holy Saviour. Do join us for an afternoon of uplifting music!

Tickets (£12) on the door; accompanied children FREE!


Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road, Hitchin SG5 1QG

Nature in your Area

An illustrated talk by Nic Wilson

The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to their next “Talk & Tea“ event. Our speaker, Nic Wilson, is a naturalist, writer and journalist who knows the area of North Hertfordshire very well and has fascinating stories to tell of things she has seen and experienced in the countryside around us.
Her writing has featured in Gardeners’ World Magazine and other journals and anthologies, and she is a regular contributor to the Guardian’s Country Diary column.

Sunday 25th February at 3pm in Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road SG5 1QG.

Admission £10 (Friends of Holy Saviour £8) at the door.

Come And Sing

Update! The workshop is now sold out. If you would like your name added to a waiting list, email

With renowned choral composer, Philip Stopford

We are thrilled to be hosting a ‘Come and Sing’ workshop, led by renowned choral composer, Philip Stopford. The event will take place on Saturday 2nd March from 10am to 5pm.

Philip has an impressive musical background, including chorister at Westminster Abbey, organ scholar at Truro Cathedral, Director of Music at St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast, and Christ Church in Bronxville, New York. He is renowned for his beautiful choral music, including many settings of traditional Latin and English prayers and hymns. Holy Saviour Church choir regularly include works by Stopford in their repertoire.

Philip will lead 60 singers through a wide selection of his music during the day, and we will end the day with a short ‘informal’ performance at 4.30pm, to which friends and family are welcome.

Tea and fresh coffee will be available throughout the day, and a home-made lunch of soup, bread rolls and cakes will be provided.

The cost for the whole day is £15, including hot drinks, lunch and all music.

There are a small number of places still available (the ability to sight read to a reasonable level will enhance your enjoyment of the day).

Please book via

Cathedrals of Steam

How London’s Great Stations were built and how they transformed the city.

The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to their next “Talk & Tea“ event, when Christian Wolmar will give an illustrated talk on London’s Great Stations.

Sunday 21st January at 3pm in Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road SG5 1QG.

Admission £10 (Friends of Holy Saviour £8) at the door.

Children’s Praise Christingle!

January Children’s Praise (Sunday 7 January) will be a special Christingle service. Come along at 11:00am for coffee and chat in the Church Hall, and then in Church at 11:30am for a fun service for all the family, with songs, prayers and Christingles. The Children’s Praise Band will be accompanying as usual. All are welcome – see you there!

The 27th Hitchin Christmas Tree Festival!

This year’s Christmas Tree Festival takes place on 8th-10th December!

  • Friday 8 December (2:30pm – 6:30pm), with a Quiet Session (2:30-4:15), a Kids’ Festival Singalong (4:30-5:15) and music featuring Trevor and Gill Hughes.
  • Saturday 9 December (11:45am – 6:00pm), with St Andrews School Choir and turning on the lights at 12:00noon followed by live music all afternoon.
  • Sunday 10 December (11:45am – 6:00pm), with Codicote School Choir and turning on the lights at 12:00noon followed by live music all afternoon.
  • Admission £5 with accompanied children free.
  • Do join us to see the church filled with beautifully decorated trees, and enjoy tea, coffee and cake in the Festival Cafe, with hot and cold meals on Saturday and Sunday.

We look forward to welcoming you!

St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street and the Media World

The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to their next “Talk & Tea“ event, when David Meera will give an illustrated talk on St Bride’s, the journalists’ church in London.

We greatly enjoyed David’s talk on John Betjeman last year and look forward to welcoming him back.

Sunday 24th September at 3pm in Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road SG5 1QG.

Admission £10 (Friends of Holy Saviour £8) at the door.

Deckchairs, Piers & Souvenirs: A history of the British Seaside in 100 objects

The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to the second of their two Hitchin Festival events, when we welcome back Kathryn Ferry, who will explore our experience of the seaside through the things that make it distinctive.

Sorry, no candy floss – but we offer a welcome drink!

Wednesday 19th July at 7:30pm in Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road SG5 1QG.

Admission £12 (Friends of Holy Saviour £10) at the door or from the Festival Office.


Homes for London: the Peabody Story

The Friends of Holy Saviour Church invite you to the next “Talk & Tea“ event, when Christine Wagg will give an illustrated talk on the Peabody story. This is the first of two Friends of Holy Saviour Hitchin Festival events.

The Peabody Trust was initiated in 1862 by American banker and philanthropist George Peabody, to create better housing for “the poor of London”. This talk will tell the Peabody story from the first model dwellings to the ongoing regeneration of Thamesmead today.

Sunday 2nd July at 3pm in Holy Saviour Church, Radcliffe Road SG5 1QG.

Admission £10 (Friends of Holy Saviour £8) at the door or from the Festival Office.